Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuna in every bowl

There is a time for every cat to look around and see all that they have achieved. A nice couch to scratch, a clean litter box, a human servant to do thy bidding and above all, tuna in every bowl. I look out my window daily and see hobo kittens huddling together doing a meow quartet in exchange for food. Sometimes I wish I could be out there roaming free, seeing and smelling the different sites but then along comes a rumbling noise from lord knows what and snaps me back to my senses. Yes, I feel for the ones out there that aren't as lucky to have such sound insulated digs such as myself. I take time out of my daily routine to push aside one of my cans for my human to go out and feed my friends. A tuna in every bowl is my motto. If every cat who had it as lucky as I were into such philanthropy, it would be a happier but probably fatter place.

As always, make sure all of your housemates are spayed/neutered. You don't want to wake up one day to have your favorite blanket smell like the bottom of someone's litterbox. Yuck! That's when they get the wrong side of my paw.

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